La banque américaine Citigroup va lancer ses services bancaires commerciaux en Afrique du Sud, au Nigeria, au Kenya et en Égypte en raison de la présence de grandes multinationales dans ces pays. « Nous serons sur les marchés avec une mise en garde que nous n’allons pas aller vers de très petites ou petites entreprises,…...

epa02098019 (FILE) A file picture dated 05 November 2007 shows the Citigroup headquarters in New York, USA. The US Treasury Department on 29 March 2010 announced it would sell its multi-billion-dollar stake in Citigroup in 2010, in what would be one of the largest stock sales in history. The department said it intends 'to fully dispose of its approximately 7.7 billion shares of Citigroup, Inc. common stock over the course of 2010 subject to market conditions.' The US government owns 27 per cent of the firm and shares worth around 33 billion US dollars (24.5 billion euro) at current market rates. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
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